To become a member, you must be 18 years of age or older. The fee for membership is BDS$25.00 per year or BDS$70.00 for 3 years. Cheques or money orders can be made payable to The MLLF.
A printable membership application form is provided below in Adobe PDF format. You can download this file to your computer and print it out.
After you've filled in the requested details, please submit the application form to The Myeloma, Lymphoma & Leukamia Foundation of Barbados, P.O. Box 235, Bridgetown, Barbados, or Pine Medical Centre, 3rd Ave., Belleville, St. Michael, Barbados.
If you don't already have the popular Adobe Reader or Acrobat Reader software on your computer, you can get it for free from Adobe.
Right-click (PC) / right-click or control-click (Mac) the Membership Form link below to download. A small menu will appear next to your cursor. There should be an item in that menu that says "Save link as..." (or some variant thereof). Pick a location to save the file in.
Alternately, some web browsers will allow you to open the pdf file directly in the browser when you left-click it.